



Let's assume I have a model called "product." Let's assume that product has three fields. These fields are 'name' (type string), 'cost' (type integer), and 'is_visible' (type bool).

1) How can I do a search query using the Rails "find" method (if there is another method, that's fine) so that I can search for all products with a cost greater than 100 AND is_visible is true?

2) What if we wanted to change this to search to where name != '' OR cost == 0?

This isn't a problem to do an SQL, but I would like to think that Rails has a way to do AND/OR queries to the database without using SQL.


+8  A: 

You would need to use the conditions option on the find method. The conditions option can be either a Hash, Array, or String. There are lots of options for conditions, so I recommend reading the API help for it. For example if you want to (1):

Product.find(:all, :conditions => ['cost > ? and is_visible is true', 100])

Or (2)

Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["name != '' or cost =0])
I don't think "is true" is a correct SQL92 syntax...
Adam Byrtek
According to rails api doc it should 'be = true' but Adam you seem to have missed the point in your answers and here that it's a Rails question no a SQL question. For many of us the Rails way is just easier and better.
Actually everything you include in :conditions will be embedded directly into the SELECT statement generated by ActiveRecord - so this definitely has something to do with SQL.
Adam Byrtek

This is exactly the problem SQL was designed to solve, so why not to use it? Just add an appropriate :condition and your problem is solved.

Adam Byrtek
Because I have been spoiled by LINQ.
I see, so I elaborated on this in my second answer - hope that helps.
Adam Byrtek
The fact this was downvoted only convinces me to the surprising fact that most Rails developers are afraid of SQL. This is interesting, as SQL is a great example of an external DSL, and Rails folks generally like DSLs.
Adam Byrtek
+2  A: 

If you want something like LINQ you can check alternative Ruby ORMs like DataMapper or Sequel that provide more complex filtering capabilities.

For example in Sequel 2 you can write:

items.filter((:cost > 100) & (:is_visible = 1))

You can also use the bitwise "|" operator to get OR condition.

In DataMapper this will look like:

Model.all( => 100, :is_visible.eq => 1)

However some people don't like the fact that those features are implemented by overloading the standard Symbol class.

Adam Byrtek