



I was working with a friend on a project, and he edited a bunch of files that shouldn't have been edited. Somehow I merged his work into mine, either when I pulled it, or when I tried to just pick the specific files out that I wanted. I've been looking and playing for a long time, trying to figure out how to remove the commits that contain the edits to those files, it seems to be a toss up between revert and rebase, and there are no straightforward examples, and the docs assume I know more than I do.

So here is a simplified version of the question:

Given the following scenario, how do I remove commit 2?

$ mkdir git_revert_test && cd git_revert_test

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/josh/deleteme/git_revert_test/.git/

$ echo "line 1" > myfile

$ git add -A

$ git commit -m "commit 1"
[master (root-commit) 8230fa3] commit 1
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 myfile

$ echo "line 2" >> myfile

$ git commit -am "commit 2"
[master 342f9bb] commit 2
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

$ echo "line 3" >> myfile

$ git commit -am "commit 3"
[master 1bcb872] commit 3
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

The expected result is

$ cat myfile
line 1
line 3

Here is an example of how I have been trying to revert

$ git revert 342f9bb
Automatic revert failed.  After resolving the conflicts,
mark the corrected paths with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
and commit the result.
+1  A: 

Your choice is between (1) keeping the error and introducing a fix and (2) removing the error and changing the history. You should choose (1) if the erroneous change has been picked up by anybody else and (2) if the error is limited to a private un-pushed branch.

Git revert is an automated tool to do (1), it creates a new commit undoing some previous commit. You'll see the error and removal in the project history but people who pull from your repository won't run into problems when they update. It's not working in an automated manner in your example so you need to edit 'myfile' (to remove line 2), do git add myfile and git commit to deal with the conflict. You will then end up with four commits in your history, with commit 4 reverting commit 2.

If nobody cares that your history changes, you can rewrite it and remove commit 2 (choice 2). The easy way to do this is to use git rebase -i 8230fa3. This will drop you into an editor and you can choose not to include the erroneous commit by removing the commit (and keeping "pick" next to the other commit messages. Do read up on the consequences of doing this.

Andrew Walker
Rebase may be tricky, since it sounds like there's been a merge.
+1  A: 

So it sounds like the bad commit was incorporated in a merge commit at some point. Has your merge commit been pulled yet? If yes, then you'll want to use git revert; you'll have to grit your teeth and work through the conflicts. If no, then you could conceivably either rebase or revert, but you can do so before the merge commit, then redo the merge.

There's not much help we can give you for the first case, really. After trying the revert, and finding that the automatic one failed, you have to examine the conflicts and fix them appropriately. This is exactly the same process as fixing merge conflicts; you can use git status to see where the conflicts are, edit the unmerged files, find the conflicted hunks, figure out how to resolve them, add the conflicted files, and finally commit. If you use git commit by itself (no -m <message>), the message that pops up in your editor should be the template message created by git revert; you can add a note about how you fixed the conflicts, then save and quit to commit.

For the second case, fixing the problem before your merge, there are two subcases, depending on whether you've done more work since the merge. If you haven't, you can simply git reset --hard HEAD^ to knock off the merge, do the revert, then redo the merge. But I'm guessing you have. So, you'll end up doing something like this:

  • create a temporary branch just before the merge, and check it out
  • do the revert (or use git rebase -i <something before the bad commit> <temporary branch> to remove the bad commit)
  • redo the merge
  • rebase your subsequent work back on: git rebase --onto <temporary branch> <old merge commit> <real branch>
  • remove the temporary branch
+1  A: 

I asked this question on the Git mailing list, and I got 2 answers very promptly. Kudos to Christian Couder and Elijah Newren.

The first answer is helpful today. I tested it and it worked. The algorithm that Git uses when calculating diff's to be reverted requires that (1) the lines being reverted are not modified by any later commits, and (2) that there not be any other "adjacent" commits later in the history. The definition of "adjacent" is based on the default number of lines from a context diff, which is 3. So if 'myfile' was constructed like this:

$ cat >myfile <<EOF
line 1
line 2
line 3
$ git add myfile
$ git commit -m "initial check-in"
 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 myfile

$ perl -p -i -e 's/line 2/this is the second line/;' myfile
$ git commit -am "changed line 2 to second line"
[master d6cbb19] changed line 2
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

$ perl -p -i -e 's/line 3/this is the third line/;' myfile
$ git commit -am "changed line 3 to third line"
[master dd054fe] changed line 3
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

$ git revert d6cbb19
Finished one revert.
[master 2db5c47] Revert "changed line 2"
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Then it all works as expected.

The second answer was very interesting. There is a feature which has not yet been officially released (though it is available in Git v1.7.2-rc2) called Revert Strategy. You can invoke git like this:

git revert --strategy resolve <commit>

and it should do a better job figuring out what you meant. I do not know what the list of available strategies is, nor do I know the definition of any strategy.

Hal Eisen