
Writing/Using C++ Libraries

I am looking for basic examples/tutorials on: How to write/compile libraries in C++ (.so files for Linux, .dll files for Windows) and... How to import and use those libraries in other code. Many thanks in advance! ...

What does 'foo' really mean?

I hope this qualifies as a programming question, as in any programming tutorial, you eventually come across 'foo' in the code examples. (yeah, right?) what does 'foo' really mean? If it is meant to mean nothing, when did it begin to be used so? Cheers ...

Facebook java integration

I have looked in vain for a good example or starting point to write a java based facebook application... I was hoping that someone here would know of one. As well, I hear that facebook will no longer support their java API is this true and if yes does that mean that we should no longer use java to write facebook apps?? ...

Using Yahoo! Pipes

Have you used pipes.yahoo.com to quickly and easily do... anything? I've recently created a quick mashup of StackOverflow tags (via rss) so that I can browse through new questions in fields I like to follow. This has been around for some time, but I've just recently revisited it and I'm completely impressed with it's ease of use. It's a...

PyQt - QScrollBar

Dear Stacktoverflow, can you show me an example of how to use a QScrollBar? Thanks. ...

Where can I find good examples of Rails applications?

I would like to get source for a small, well written rails app to modify and "play with" as I learn how to program. I have found hundreds of open-source apps, but I don't know which are any good. Any suggestions? ...

struts setup sample application on eclipse

Hi there, I am new to strut/web programming and I thought I could learn alot by reading a sample app. On google, I searched and found a sample app at http://www.roseindia.net/struts/struts2/struts2tutorial.zip The tutorial is really nice and it gives a sample login page. However, I couldn't run this sample app. I tried posting on t...

Eclipse Abstract Syntax Tree Programmatic Access

Could you provide an example of accessing the Eclipse Abstract Syntax Tree programmatically for a given piece of code? eg getting the AST for: Class1.java package parseable; public class Class1 { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } } ...

Best way to throw exceptions in JNI code?

I'd like a consistent and simple way to throw exceptions in JNI code; something that handles chained exceptions (implicitly from the env->ExceptionOccurred method, or explicitly by parameters, either way is good) and saves me looking up constructors every time I want to do this. All of the above is preferably in C, although I could tran...

Is anyone aware of any .NET OpenID Provider sample code that might exist?

I need to implement an OpenID Provider in .Net and wondered....Is there's any OpenSource code already written and available? ...

Where can I find an example unzipper using zlib?

I'm looking for a bare bones simple example C app for unpacking a zip file using zlib. It must support fairly new version of .zip and must have source right down to the zlib calls. ...

Where is a good open source python project to be used as example?

I'm looking for a python project to use as example to learning python. The project should have these features: is almost fully unit tested use consistently the code convention recommended by PEP 8 it's elements are almost fully documented Extra point features are: building, assembling, and release automation EDIT: The Question...

Where is a python real project to be used as example for the unit-test part?

I'm looking for a python project to use as example to copy the design of the unit test parts. The project should have these features: its code is almost fully unit tested the code is distributed in many packages, there are more that one level of packages all the test can be run with a single command, for example with python test.py ...

Minimal Silverlight example

What is the really minimal example of Silverlight application? For example, I made the following example with IronPython: from System.Windows import Application from System.Windows.Controls import Canvas, TextBlock canvas = Canvas() textblock = TextBlock() textblock.FontSize = 24 textblock.Text = 'Hello!' canvas.Children.Add(textblock...

what is the function __construct used for?

I have been noticing *__construct* a lot with classes. I did a little reading and surfing the web, but I couldn't find an explanation I could understand. I am just beginning with OOP. I was wondering if someone could give me a general what it is, and then a simple example of how it is used with php? Thanks, Levi ...

What is the best rails example app?

What is the best available non-trivial example app for rails with uptodate source, test suite and adherence to best practices? [I am looking for an example of a full fledged application - with complex data models and advanced views that is worth looking at to see "how it is done" by others] ...

What's a good example for class inheritance?

I'm writing documentation for an object-oriented language, and I wonder what kind of classes would be a good example for inheritance. Some common examples: class Person { } class Employee extends Person { } Currently my favorite, but I don't like Person->Employee because 'Employee' does not exactly look like fun. class Bicycle { } c...

Example.com alternative

Let's say you want to provide an example url in documentation somewhere. The correct thing to do is use example.com, since that is the defined location for such things and anything else you come up with is likely to be actually registered somewhere and serving up who knows what to your readers. My questions is, what do you do if you ne...

FluentNHibernate: Getting the Examples.FirstProject to work

Im trying to get the most basic of examples to run in FnH. I started with the Examples.FirstProject. However, I did not use the SQL lite configuration. Instead, I set the configuration to SQL2005 and created the tables as was diagramed in the example. When stepping through the code, there appears to be no problems when creating the...

What are good examples to get a feeling of a languages OO features and constructs?

I have been searching for short and good examples to demonstrate OO features of a language as an introduction to fellow programmers. By "good", I mean, they can be run and output something rather meaningful not foobar stuff. For instance, you can demonstrate most control flow constructs by a mandelbrot set example or functional aspects ...