You can use the following approach:
Each web method will always return some sort of WebMethodResult.
For example
public WebMethodResult DoSomethng(guid p_userId)
WebMethodResultSuccess successResult = new WebMethod();
// Add required information into web method result object
return successResult;
WebMethodResultFailure failedResult = new WebMethodResultFailure();
return failedResult;
Idea here is that whenever web method is called it will return some sort of object.
In this case the WebMethodResult will be the parent class and WebMethodResultSuccess and WebMethodResult failure would inherit from the parent class.
Instead of IsMethodIsSuccessfull you can add your own logic, wrap everything into a try catch block and return success/failure results.
If you call the web methods from the java script or jquery, the exception won't be passed back to the client unless you use SOAP or some sort of alternative. By sending back custom objects, you can read them through javascrip/jquery and display appropriate message to the user.
Hope this makes sense.