



What is the good resource to learn OpenGL ES (2.0) for someone who didn't have exposure to OpenGL or any other graphics API before?

Note that I'm not interested at phone programming. My main goal is to gather some experience and knowledge of basic concepts which I could latter apply to phones, desktop gaming, WebGL or whatever, without going to the depths of "full" OpenGL (no ES).

If the tutorial or resource is language agnostic it is a plus, although C/C++ is not a problem.

All ES tutorial I found so far are mostly iphone related. The homepage doesn't contain much helpful information to get started, and I don't know how applicable are OpenGL tutorials that can be found elsewhere.

I thought about going with NeHe tutorials for a start, but found a lot of comments throughout the internet that those are now considered outdated and that they are not considered "modern" and "best practice" anymore.

+2  A:

these are basics that can be applied at evry level of implementation.

+1  A: 

The NeHe tutorials might be old school to most, but we all started somewhere. "First learn stand, then learn fly." The NeHe tutorials also have the benefit of having been ported to pretty much every language and platform, save for LOLcode - so finding a language and platform combination that you're comfortable with shouldn't be too difficult.

If you're starting from a blank slate as far as graphical APIs go, I don't think it will be any harder to learn "full" OpenGL as opposed to OpenGL ES. Personally, I think you'd have more fun and get more immediate results learning the former, with the ability to use immediate mode and play with existing tutorial code without too much worry.

If you're set on ES, I'd suggest looking for the NeHe tutorials ported to OpenGL ES on Android and using the Android device emulator. There is an OpenGL ES emulator available for XP/Linux desktops here, but I only came across it through Google; I've never tested it personally. If you have access to a Mac, there's a massive volume of material available for iPhone OpenGL ES tutorials:

iPhone 3D Programming (requires some Objective-C knowledge, but majority is C++ based)
iPhone OpenGL ES from the Ground Up (Objective-C)

Also, is there a particular reason you want to start with ES 2.0? I understand the desire to use the latest and greatest, but even just setting up the basic "Hello Triangle" will require a lot more work than using fixed-function ES 1.0/1.1 (as can be seen in the O'Reilly tutorials.)

Chris Peredun
Since I don't have any experience, and read how "OpenGL ES 2.0 is the release that finally cleaned up the API, is supposed to work on any platform" I thought it is the way to go if starting afresh.
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