



Hi all, I have a link in a Gridview that I want opened in Windows Explorer (or explorer.exe).

<asp:GridView  ID="GridView1"runat="server" >
               <asp:LinkButton ID="DeploymentLocation" runat="server" CommandName="OpenLink" 
                   Text='<%# Eval("DeploymentLocation") %>' CommandArgument='<%# Eval("DeploymentLocation") %>'  />

and in codebehind I have this:

    protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
          Process.Start("explorer.exe", "/n," + e.CommandArgument.ToString());

Obviously this doesn't work as Process.Start only works if I have full permissions, etc, etc. I heard that I can use Javascript to do this, but haven't succeeded so far. Basically, what I want is the exact link that is displayed in the grid to be opened when clicked. Any help would be much appreciated!



As you have found out starting processes on the client computer from a web site is not possible. You could redirect though to this web page:

protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)

Another option is to use an ActiveX control but this will work only on Internet Explorer.

Darin Dimitrov

(1) Please don't use javascript to start a local executable file (especially explorer.exe which is an important system file) because sometimes the firewall/anti-virus software will consider your action dangerous/baleful.

(2) Anyway executing a client user's programme via your website/web application is always not so friendly. I guess you want to execute "explorer.exe" to open a window to browse the local directory? If so, you can simulate a windows explorer window in your web page.

Danny Chen

I managed to resolved it easily:

   <asp:HyperLink Text='<%# Eval("DeploymentLocation") %>'  id="DeploymentLocation" runat="server" Target="_blank" NavigateUrl='<%# "file:///" + Eval("DeploymentLocation").ToString() %>' ></asp:HyperLink>