



I really liked flexibility of emacs but it is really annoying to make it work. I want to use it for web development html, css, javascript, php. I first tried emacs-starter-kit . It didn't included nXhtml. Also C-g key binding does not work (they call it starter kit but basic key command does not work). I think it is mapped for git control. That's a frustration for a beginner. Then I replaced emacs-starter-kit with nXhtml. At least C-g is working. But code completion sucks, M-tab does not work. I tried code completion from nXhtml menu with no success. Also NXhtml mode did'nt colorized my file if css is mixed with html. Isn't it recommended for mixed html, css,php files. So why it doesnt work?. Why Emacs folks do not aware of convention over configuration? Dam! ship it something works! Please help me before I am getting crazy. I use Ubuntu 10.04 and emacs-snaphot-gtk 23.1.50-1. Please guide me step by step with your working dotfile url. Even I accept I am a dummy, it is really annoying and frustrating to use emacs.

+3  A: 

Have a look here if you haven't already. You are running Emacs under X. In that case, you should try if Esc-Tab works for code completion. M-Tab might be lost to the X for switching between processes.

Programs like Emacs and Vim demand that you invest time and effort before they start paying off. They pay off really good in terms if not getting in the way of real work. I suggest you to find time to get acquainted with such programs before venting out.

Esc-Tab did not worked. But from Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts-Window Management-> Move between Windows, using a popup window - I changed it to Windows+Tab and it worked.
Tony Cruise

Hi Tony!

Good questions. How about submitting one or more bug report for your problem with nXhtml? (You can do that on Launchpad.)

Some of the things you are asking for should work. Other things might be a bit more complicated. We could try to work that out. Some things should enhance the FAQ for nXhtml (there is a small FAQ on Launchpad) and some things looks like some bugs.

See you there if you want too.

Best, L
