




I started to learn using Instrument, but I cannot figure it out. After I start my application, the UI shows up, I do nothing and after few seconds I can see memory leak detected: alt text

When I have a look at the second leak I can see the following stack: alt text

When I double click on the cell related to my code I can see that it is pointing to the following line of code:

[window addSubview:newPostUIViewController.view];

from the method:

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {    
//creating view controller
newPostUIViewController = [[NewPostUIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"NewPostView" bundle:nil]; 
newPostUIViewController.title = @"Post it!";
[window addSubview:newPostUIViewController.view];

// Override point for customization after application launch
[window makeKeyAndVisible];

I wonder, how this can be a reason of a leak? I release newPostUIViewController in the dealloc method of PostItAppDelegate class.

Any ideas how this could be explained?


You did not provide an autorelease or release to balance your init. Just in case you haven't read through it already, have a look at the memory management guide is a great help.

Thanks for your suggestion, however, I release both newPostUIViewController and window in the dealloc method of PostItAppDelegate. Should I call the release in some other place?
@Jakub can you post some more code showing how you use the controller? It's possible that the controller has an extra retain, but not on that line.

Looking at link text allows to say that this is Simulator problem, not the code problem.
