



What is the fastest sorting algorithm for a large number (tens of thousands) of groups of 9 positive double precision values, where each group must be sorted individually? So it's got to sort fast a small number of possibly repeated double precision values, many times in a row. The values are in the [0..1] interval. I don't care about space complexity or stability, just about speed.

+8  A: 

Sorting each group individually, merge sort would probably be easiest to implement with good results.

A sorting network would probably be the fastest solution:

Tom Gullen
The benefit of a sorting network is you can add in some very fast optimisations if you know about the characteristics of the data, IE if you know that element 3 is ALWAYS smaller than element 8 you have saved yourself a lot of processing time.
Tom Gullen
Just to add a quick comment as well, I had a tast to sort 7 integers in the fastest time possible, this sort would be performed billions of times and by far (and I mean by far) the fastest was a sorting network.
Tom Gullen
Don't forget the link to compute the sorting network: Indicates 27 comparisons needed for 9 values.
Justin Peel
@Justin thanks for the link, that's a handy program!Sorting networks also have the benefit you have no loops in the code which usually will save you some overhead as well.
Tom Gullen
I wanted to remind that depends on how the data is given to the algorithm. For i.e. if the data is already sorted a bubble sort will be faster and a quicksort. If the data is not sorted a quicksort will be cleary faster than a bubble sort. So, knowing about the input should help about the desicion.
@johncatfish: random comment ?
Matthieu M.
What range were the 7 integers in Tom? It's plausible that a counting sort would have been faster.
Jacob Schlather
A sorting network is a nice theoretical construct, and if you were doing sorting in hardware you could build one, but how can it be faster than a corresponding algorithm, given that the size of the table is fixed and you can unroll loops?
Mike Dunlavey
+2  A: 

Good question because this comes down to "Fastest way to sort an array of 9 elements", and most comparisons between and analysis of sorting methods are about large N. I assume the 'groups' are clearly defined and don't play a real role here.

You will probably have to benchmark a few candidates because a lot of factors (locality) come into play here.

In any case, making it parallel sounds like a good idea. Use Parallel.For() if you can use ,NET4.

Henk Holterman
+1  A: 

I think you will need to try out a few examples to see what works best, as you have an unusual set of conditions. My guess that the best will be one of

  • sorting network
  • insertion sort
  • quick sort (one level -- insertion sort below)
  • merge sort

Given that double precision number are relatively long I suspect you will not do better with a radix sort, but feel free to add it in.

For what its worth, Java uses quick sort on doubles until the number of items to be sorted drops below 7, at which is uses insertion sort. The third option mimics that solution.

Also your overall problem is embarrassingly parallel so you want to make use of parallelism when possible. The problem looks too small for a distributed solution (more time would be lost in networking than saved), but if set up right, your problem can make use of multiple cores very effectively.

Kathy Van Stone
+1  A: 

It looks like you want the most cycle-stingy way to sort 9 values. Since the number of values is limited, I would (as Kathy suggested) first do an unrolled insertion sort on the first 4 elements and the second 5 elements. Then I would merge those two groups.

Here's an unrolled insertion sort of 4 elements:

if (u[1] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[1]);
if (u[2] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[2]);
if (u[3] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[3]);

if (u[2] < u[1]) swap(u[1], u[2]);
if (u[3] < u[1]) swap(u[1], u[3]);

if (u[3] < u[2]) swap(u[2], u[3]);

Here's a merge loop. The first set of 4 elements is in u, and the second set of 5 elements in in v. The result is in r.

i = j = k = 0;
while(i < 4 && j < 5){
  if (u[i] < v[j]) r[k++] = u[i++];
  else if (v[j] < u[i]) r[k++] = v[j++];
  else {
    r[k++] = u[i++];
    r[k++] = v[j++];
while (i < 4) r[k++] = u[i++];
while (j < 5) r[k++] = v[j++];
Mike Dunlavey