All the examples that I can search online use the App.Config mode of specifying the context definition retrieved by
contextToGetSprungObjects = ContextRegistry.GetContext(contextname)
I want to use
contextToGetSprungObjects = new XmlApplicationContext(sXmlFileName)
(I'm calling into a DLL (that needs from another executable (MsWord) so app.config approach is out). I tried sneaking in MyDll.dll.config.. didn't fly. On using the XmlApplicationContext approach to read it from a specified xml file, I get the following error
{"Error registering object with name '' defined in 'file [D:\\Work\\Seven\\WordAutomation\\ContentControls\\WordDocument1\\bin\\debug\\MyWPFPlotPopup.dll.config]' : There is no parser registered for namespace ''\r\n<configSections><sectionGroup name=\"spring\"><section name=\"context\" type=\"Spring.Context.Support.ContextHandler, Spring.Core\" /></sectionGroup><section name=\"log4net\" type=\"log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net\" /></configSections>"}
Which leads me to believe that the two approaches need their xml in a differently shaped bottle. I searched high and low but the schema for the xml that is needed eludes me.. everything I can find uses X.exe.config or Web.config. Can someone point me to a valid xml context defintion for
<context name="MyApplication">
<resource uri="file://Resources/MyApplicationContext.xml"/>
I think this is the relevant section of the app.config that I want to readd