I am unit testing a class that calls
and it's ok if an ISomething isn't defined. So I am trying to test it both ways. Since this definition normally comes from the app.config file and I don't want to edit that file between tests, I'm using [TestFixtureSetUp] and [TestFixtureTearDown] to register the singleton, test, and then I'd like to 'un'-register it. This registers it just fine:
...ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("ISomething", new SomethingMOCK());
and I can check to see if it is there:
if (...ObjectFactory.ContainsSingleton("ISomething"))
but I can't seem to REMOVE the singleton I registered. I tried using null:
...ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("ISomething", null);
but this throws. Is there a better way?