



I have a WinForms application built using Visual Studio 2008. I added a Setup Project to the solution to create an installation MSI file. I need the setup project to create a shortcut pointing to the application's executable in the users Send To Menu. This way when someone right clicks on a file, my application will show in the Send To list and be selected.

I figured out under the file system settings of the Setup project how to add a shortcut to the Users Send To Menu. The problem is, the shortcut doesn't show in the Send To menu when you right click on a file. If I manually create a shortcut to my executable the application does show in the Send To menu.

I have read many suggestions on the web to required registry entries for this to work. There is a VBS file written by Ramesh Srinivasan which inserts them. On every system I have tried this on the registry values already existed, so this is not the problem. It seems more to be with the shortcut Visual Studio (or the msi anyway) is creating.

I have experienced this same issue on Windows XP and Windows 7, I haven't tried it on other OS's yet.