



I got 15 tabs and 15 user controls assigned to each tab. All are loading at once which id delaying the process. I want to load one user control on selection of a tab in tab container.


Instead of adding all controls declaratively on the page, add them programmatically on the tab change event. See this link:

Or here's the short version..

  1. Change the Register declaration at the top of the page, to a reference:

    <%@ Reference Control="MyUserControl.ascx" %>

  2. In your tab change event, load the the uc from file:

    Dim uc As MyUserControl = CType(LoadControl("MyUserControl.ascx"), MyUserControl)

  3. Add the control to the page:


Antony Highsky
Please clarify the tab change event.Is it the TabContainerSettings_ActiveTabChanged?There are tab changed events for a particular tab.
Yes, that's assuming you are using AJAX control toolkit.
Antony Highsky
Thanks.But got one problem.when i click on a tab the controls are showing up and disappearing again.
Sounds like something else, other than selecting a tab, may be causing a second postback. Hard to tell w/o seeing the rest of the code. When the control disappears, are you still left on the same tab or returned to the default one?
Antony Highsky

Here's the complete solution. The markup...

<%@ Reference Control="~/MyUserControl.ascx" %>
<%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagprefix="asp" %>

<asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true">
    <asp:TabPanel id="Tab1" runat="server">
            Tab 1 static content
    <asp:TabPanel id="Tab2" runat="server">
            <!-- user control will be loaded here -->

...and codebehind:

Protected Sub TabContainer1_ActiveTabChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabContainer1.ActiveTabChanged
    If TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 1 Then
        Dim uc As MyUserControl = CType(LoadControl("MyUserControl.ascx"), MyUserControl)
    End If
End Sub
Antony Highsky