



We're rolling out a redesign of, and we've implemented a Twitter feed in the footer. (I'm the design & front end guy, my coworker is the scripting & backend guy).

All is well with the Twitter feed in all major browsers except internet explorer, version 8 and later.

However we have no clue why IE is not pulling the feed at all. Any hints?? (look in footer)

+2  A: 

Found it! The problem is with the li.innerHTML = assignment. Basically, you're feeding the Twitter script a template somewhere, which looks like

"<li class="ftr-tweet"><p>%text%</p><a href="" class="ftr-tweetTimestamp">%time%</a></li>"

But unfortunately, Twitter already created a <li> and only wants to get its inner HTML. What happens now is that you insert a <li> into the Twitter-created <li>... which most browsers accept, but IE8 doesn't. It simply won't accept incorrect HTML, which is of course a very noble principle for Microsoft. See

So the solution is leaving the li out of your template. But then you won't have the ftr-tweet class anymore... So replace it with a <span> and all's well with the world.

"<span class="ftr-tweet"><p>%text%</p><a href="" class="ftr-tweetTimestamp">%time%</a></span>"
you da man!!! Thanks!
I must admit I really do like IE8's Debugger Tools, which helped me find the issue here. Of course, they're nothing compared to Firebug, but still very useful. So, when can I see the page work correctly? ;)
18 minutes...that was impressive my friend.
we just changed it locally, so as soon as we push our current changes live. Later today. thanks again!
OK, I see it works fine. One unrelated layout suggestion: the top menu "slide open" buttons are *really* small and hard to hit. Any possibility of changing that? ;)