



I have a ScrollView that contains an number of other views (TextViews, ImageViews, etc.). The ScrollView is taller than the screen. I have an AsyncTask that updates the children of the ScrollView based on an http response.

I've discovered an interesting behavior that I can't figure out how to work around. If I set any of the children's visibilities to View.INVISIBLE as part of the AsyncTask.onPostExecute(), everything works fine.

However, if I set any of the children's visibilities to View.GONE, the ScrollView jumps down from the top when onPostExecute() is called. Exactly how far seems to vary. I'm guessing that re-laying out the ScrollView is causing it to scroll away from the top for some reason.

So the question is: is there a way to either prevent or work around this behavior?

PS. Using ScrollView.jump(FOCUS_UP) as a workaround isn't ideal since that'll force the user to the top even if they had intended to scroll down.

EDIT: Actually, I was wrong. The problem wasn't with a child view being marked gone, the problem was with a sibling view being marked gone and the ScrollView getting resized. My ScrollView is inside a LinearLayout that also contains a Button. When the button is set to GONE, the ScrollView gets resized to take up the available space, causing it to scroll away from the top. Different cause, still looking for a workaround though if possible.