How do I mark a cucumber scenario as pending so it doesn't get counted as a passed?
Scenario: Guest should not see edit link
# pending implementation
Shouldn't I be able to mark is as pending?
How do I mark a cucumber scenario as pending so it doesn't get counted as a passed?
Scenario: Guest should not see edit link
# pending implementation
Shouldn't I be able to mark is as pending?
Okay figured this one out.
The Scenarios steps are marked as pending if it's not found in any of the steps files.
Scenario: New product form should have some special field
Given joe is logged in as an user
When on the new exercise page
Then the select field should have some special field
It's even nice enough to stub out the pending step.
When /^on the new exercise page$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Another possibility is the @wip tag (work in progress). Scenarios tagged @wip will not be run by default, but just when you explicitly request them.
Scenario: New product form should have some special field
Given I still work on this feature
This way you can exclude some scenarios from the automated build, so that it doesn't break while you are working on the feature.