


import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def getWeather(city):

    #create google weather api url
    url = "" + urllib.quote(city)

        # open google weather api url
        f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        # if there was an error opening the url, return
        return "Error opening url"

    # read contents to a string
    s =


    current= tree.find("current_condition/condition")
    condition_data = current.get("data")  
    weather = condition_data  
    if weather == "<?xml version=":
        return "Invalid city"

    #return the weather condition
    #return weather

def main():
    while True:
        city = raw_input("Give me a city: ")
        weather = getWeather(city)

if __name__ == "__main__":

gives error , I actually wanted to find values from google weather xml site tags


I'll give the same answer here I did in my comment on your previous question. In the future, kindly update the existing question instead of posting a new one.


I'm sorry - I didn't mean that my code would work exactly as you desired. Your error is because s is a string and parse takes a file or file-like object. So, "tree = ET.parse(f)" may work better. I would suggest reading up on the ElementTree api so you understand what the functions I've used above do in practice. Hope that helps, and let me know if it works.

I made certain improvements in my code as below:#rest of code sames = tree=ET.fromstring(s) current= tree.find("current_conditions/condition") print current #condition_data = current.get("data") #weather = condition_data weather = current if weather == "<?xml version=": return "Invalid city" #return the weather condition return weather#code is working but returns nonenow below is the structure of xml file<current_conditions><condition data="Cloudy"/><temp_f data="97"/>
Harshit Sharma
it returns none although it has cloudy in it , dont know to update questions I am new here
Harshit Sharma
I think none is coming because tree.find is not implemented correctlyfollowing is the url
Harshit Sharma
It is solved thanks for your help
Harshit Sharma
You people rock
Harshit Sharma
+1  A: 

Instead of




Also, your path to the data you want is incorrect. It should be: weather/current_conditions/condition

This should work:

import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def getWeather(city):

    #create google weather api url
    url = "" + urllib.quote(city)

        # open google weather api url
        f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        # if there was an error opening the url, return
        return "Error opening url"

    # read contents to a string
    s =


    current= tree.find("weather/current_conditions/condition")
    condition_data = current.get("data")  
    weather = condition_data  
    if weather == "<?xml version=":
        return "Invalid city"

    #return the weather condition
    return weather

def main():
    while True:
        city = raw_input("Give me a city: ")
        weather = getWeather(city)
Adam Crossland
thanks that helped a lot but current=tree.find statement returns none structure of xml is as follows:<current_conditions><condition data="Cloudy"/><temp_f data="97"/><temp_c data="36"/><humidity data="Humidity: 28%"/><icon data="/ig/images/weather/cloudy.gif"/><wind_condition data="Wind: N at 0 mph"/>
Harshit Sharma
@Harshit, the XML you show in your comment is not the actual XML that comes back from Google. The code that I gave you will work. Are you feeding it pretend data?
Adam Crossland
ya I got that thanks It worked Thanks once again You people rock
Harshit Sharma