



In Rails 3, I've got an update.js.erb template with one simple line of jquery:


Upon form submission, all the ajaxy stuff is working fine, but the content in #some_div is being replaced with "<strong>some_content</strong>" instead of some_content. Does anyone have a clue why?

This was working fine in Rails 2. Thanks in advance for the help.

Update (semi-solved):Stupid me, still had jquery.form plugin hanging around, which doesn't magically play well. Looks like I'll be ripping some stuff apart again ... thanks for the help, folks.


if you are on jQuery 1.4, please try,

    return $('<strong>').html('some_content');

( p.s. I like single quotes on javascript )

Thanks Reigel ... I think my problem is due to some Rails 3 encoding /safe string magic that I don't get. Your code gave me an error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: <strong>
@jonphillips - That's *definitely* rails encoding it, not a client-side issue...need to figure out why it's encoding the script.
Nick Craver
ahh okay nick.. I've never touch ruby yet..