




Can you recommend good diagramming libraries?

I wish to draw vector graphics and make custom shapes.


Lacking a particular reason to do something else, you typically use MFC itself -- CDC::Polyline, CDC::PolyPolyline, CDC::Arc, CDC::PolyBezier, etc.

Edit: I'm afraid if you want a complete example of a vector drawing program, complete with scaling, editing, saving and opening files, and such, you're probably in the wrong place. I (along with quite a few others here) can and often will answer reasonably specific questions, but if you want examples of relatively large, elaborate programs, some place like Code Project is probably a better bet. I'm not sure they have one, but at least there you'd stand a reasonable chance. About the closest I can advise where would be to the look at the standard Scribble tutorial. It certainly uses vector drawing, and supports saving and loading files. I'm not sure, but I seem to recall it supporting scaling as well.

Jerry Coffin
need a fuller example where you can load/save, resize and manipulate shapes like a vector-graphics editor