



Is there a site anywhere that documents all standard JavaScript DOM methods, events and properties and when they were introduced into the various browsers? I've used W3Schools' XML DOM Object Reference, but it's badly dated, it only tracks IE, Firefox, Opera and W3C, it's missing heaps of newer 'standard' methods, plus I'm certain I ran into something there that was wrong, but I can't remember what it was.

Half the time I write something now, I'm never certain that the methods my code relies on have the coverage I expect and I don't have the resources to test in every version of every browser out there.

+2  A: 

A really excellent resource is the "Compatibility Master Table" at

Be sure to dive into the detail tables, linked in the left column.


Half the time I write something now, I'm never certain that the methods my code relies on have the coverage I expect and I don't have the resources to test in every version of every browser out there.

This is why, increasingly, if I can't do it in jQuery, I don't do it or the boss/client pays mucho extra. ;-)

Brock Adams
Awesome. That's what I was after. You're right about using jQuery. But sometimes it's just too big and slow (e.g. for some mobile devices) to too overkill (e.g. if I need to inspect or manipulate just one element). I just don't like that uneasy feeling I get as soon as I start typing "getAttribute..." or "getElementsBy...". Creates a little knot in the pit of my stomach every time.