



I have a file that has two columns of floating point values. I also have a C program that takes a floating point value as input and returns another floating point value as output.

What I'd like to do is the following: for each row in the original, execute the C program with the value in the first column as input, and then print out the first column (unchanged) followed by the second column minus the result of the C program.

As an example, suppose c_program returns the square of the input and behaves like this:

$ c_program 4

and suppose data_file looks like this:

1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13

What I'd like to return as output, in this case, is

1 9
2 7
3 3
4 -3

To write this in really sketchy pseudocode, I want to do something like this:

awk '{print $1, $2 - `c_program $1`}' data_file

But of course, I can't just pass $1, the awk variable, into a call to c_program. What's the right way to do this, and preferably, how could I do it while still maintaining the "awk one-liner"? (I don't want to pull out a sledgehammer and write a full-fledged C program to do this.)


This shows how to execute a command in awk:

ls | awk '/^a/ {system("ls -ld " $1)}'

You could use a bash script instead:

while read line
    FIRST=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1`
    SECOND=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2`
    OUT=`expr $SECOND \* 4`
    echo $FIRST $OUT `expr $OUT - $SECOND`
expr doesn't support floating values, use bc , dc or awk

The shell is a better tool for this using a little used feature. There is a shell variable IFS which is the Input Field Separator that sh uses to split command lines when parsing; it defaults to <Space><Tab><Newline> which is why ls foo is interpreted as two words.

When set is given arguments not beginning with - it sets the positional parameters of the shell to the contents of the arguments as split via IFS, thus:

while read line ; do
    set $line
    subtrahend=`c_program $1`     
    echo $1 `expr $2 - $subtrahend`
done < data_file
`expr` doesn't support floating values, use `bc` , `dc` or `awk`
+2  A: 

you just do everything in awk

awk '{cmd="c_program "$1; cmd|getline l;print $1,$2-l}' file
Very elegant; this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
+1  A: 

Pure Bash, without using any external executables other than your program:

while read num1 num2
    (( result = $(c_program num2) - num1 ))
    echo "$num1 $result"
Dennis Williamson
Ah, I didn't know about this nice bash feature. Thanks!
there's also the issue of floating pt calculations using bash, although OP has not stated that he might have floats(decimals)

As others have pointed out: awk is not not well equipped for this job. Here is a suggestion in bash:



while read column_1 column_2 the_rest

    ((result=$(c_program $column_1)-$column_2))
    echo $column_1 $result "$the_rest"

done < $data_file

Save this to a file, say, then invoke it as:

sh data_file

The read command reads each line from the data file (which was redirected to the standard input) and assign the first 2 columns to $column_1 and $column_2 variables. The rest of the line, if there is any, is stored in $the_rest.

Next, I calculate the result based on your requirements and prints out the line based on your requirements. Note that I surround $the_rest with quotes to reserve spacing. Failure to do so will result in multiple spaces in the input file to be squeezed into one.

Hai Vu
@Hai, "awk is not not well equipped for this job.".That's nonsense. You should also take note of floating point calculations. Bash fails on that but awk doesn't.
@ghostdog74: I stand corrected.
Hai Vu