



...if there is such a thing. Here's an image of two approachs for structuring DLLs/references in a .NET application: The app can be a website (it is in this case) or a winform. Each box represents a DLL. For the winform app, just replace "webcontrols" with "winformcomponents".

The first (top) image is what I like. You might want to extend "some" of the base web controls and directly use others. The 2nd image makes you extend any web controls via interface. To me that seems overkill since you may want to simply use what is already there without modification. Which is better and what are the advantages/disadvantages?

The first image puts the lowest common constructs(exceptions, fileIO, constants, etc) into a common.dll. The 2nd image puts app business logic and common into one DLL. Which is better and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each apporach?


I think this is a really down to programmer preference.

It all boils down to dependencies really. More things in one DLL means it will naturally create many more depentdents on that DLL.

I personally tend to follow along similar lines to the MS structure, for these reasons:

  • It makes it easier for newcomers to the custom "framework" to find what they want (e.g. CompName.Web.UI and CompName.Data.
  • It helps reduce the dependencies to "obvious" choices. I am not too keen on CompName.Common type DLL's because it does not clearly indicate possible dependents, whereas CompName.Web.UI suggests that it is likely to be used by any web apps.
  • Obvious size reduction, since DLL content will be more "relevant".

DLL's for tiers within an app make sense, the types within should only be those types required by the business model, other objects (such as utility, data access etc.) should be in their own libraries.

Rob Cooper

I agree that a common.dll is vague. But what can it be called? It contains utilities (fileIO), Exceptions, constants, generic algorithms. Are you saying they should all be in their own DLL? That's a lot of references...but is that bad?

Basically I would say that each of the items you metioned should be in organised within their own namespaces, I would then look at the namespaces and see if it would be a good choice to take a part of the hierarchy and place it in its own DLL.
Rob Cooper
He's talking about .dlls not namespaces. You can have items in a common .dll with a specific namespace. Dlls are NOT namespaces.
+1  A: 

Having lots of references is usually bad because loading DLL's has a non-negligble cost. It's not as elegant perhaps, but having fewer modules improves your performance. As so often in our craft, you have to find the balance between elegance of total modularization and the harsh reality of performance. And as usual in our craft, you won't know what balance is until you start profiling to measure the performance of your application.

John Källén

@JohnK, Sounds as though you lean toward the 2nd image, which has only two DLLs plus the site. In that case, how do you feel about having to implement an interface for any web controls you want to use, even though you don't need to modify it? Or, would you go about it differently.

Are there any disadvantages in performance to having one massive DLL? You certainly always carry around extra baggage you'll never use. But is that really bad? Code isn't executed until you call it.

Another issue with the massive DLL approach is that beginners/team new comers will be more lost since things aren't explicit. What are your thoughts there?
