



I have a few internal .net web application here that require users to "log out" of them. I know this may seem moot on an Intranet application, but nonetheless it is there.

We are using Windows authentication for our Intranet apps, so we tie in to our Active Directory with Basic Authentication and the credentials get stored in the browser cache, as opposed to a cookie when using .net forms authentication.

In IE6+ you can leverage a special JavaScript function they created by doing the following:

document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache", "false")

However, for the other browsers that are to be supported (namely Firefox at the moment, but I strive for multi-browser support), I simply display message to the user that they need to close their browser to log out of the application, which effectively flushes the application cache.

Does anybody know of some commands/hacks/etc. that I can use in other browsers to flush the authentication cache?

+2  A: 

Hopefully this will be useful until someone actually comes along with an explicit answer - this issue was discussed two years ago on a message board.


Jason Bunting

Well, I've been browsing around Bugzilla for a bit now and seemingly the best way you can go for clearing the authentication would be to send non-existant credentials.

Read more here:

+2  A: 

Why not use FormsAuth, but against ActiveDirectory instead as per the info in this thread. It's just as (in)secure as Basic Auth, but logging out is simply a matter of blanking a cookie (or rather, calling FormsAuthentication.SignOut)

Duncan Smart
+1  A: 

I could look into the FormsAuth thing, but right now the policy is to use Windows authentication against the system.

I'll check into all three of these options. If anybody else thinks of something, by all means post it.

+1  A: 

I've been searching for a similar solution and came across a patch for Trac (an issue management system) that does this.

I've looked through the code (and I'm tired, so I'm not explaining everything); basically you need to do an AJAX call with guaranteed invalid credentials to your login page. The browser will get a 401 and know it needs to ask you for the right credentials next time you go there. You use AJAX instead of a redirect so that you can specify incorrect credentials and the browser doesn't popup a dialog.

On the patch ( page they use very rudimentary AJAX; something better like jQuery or Prototype, etc. is probably better, although this gets the job done.

Marius Marais