I have downloaded Opensocial-java-client example which contain an android example: friendlist which load friendlist from goolge account.
I want to modify it to communicate with Orkut. I have the following question:
I cant find where can I get consumer key&& secret key for Orkut. I only know https://www.google.com/gadgets/directory/verify but how can I get android app from this website? I dont have such an url
I cant find the defination of consumer key in friendlist code INFO/ActivityManager(71): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken?oauth_token=4/OWa6KoKB2_IoNj31VO0lBvTlIPc-&oauth_callback=xibin-app:// cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }
where is "4/OWa6KoKB2_IoNj31VO0lBvTlIPc-" from? If I want change this app to communicate Orkut, where can I change the key?