Here's the code I've got;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cloudmade = new CM.Tiles.CloudMade.Web({key: '1b67988f99f947e3bd06fbcf924aeda1', styleId:19933});
var map = new CM.Map('mapa', cloudmade);
map.setCenter(new CM.LatLng(-24.900, -83.000), 4);
var bottomRight = new CM.ControlPosition(CM.BOTTOM_RIGHT, new CM.Size(50, 20));
map.addControl(new CM.SmallMapControl(), bottomRight);
var CloudMadeIcon = new CM.Icon();
CloudMadeIcon.image = "";
CloudMadeIcon.iconSize = new CM.Size(10, 10);
var areiaGrande = new CM.LatLng(-9.253,-41.108);
var areiaMarker = new CM.Marker (areiaGrande, {
title: "Areia Grande (Casa Nova/BA)",
icon: CloudMadeIcon, clickable:true,
How can I add a link (ex: href "") to the "areiaMarker" variable ?