



Hello there,

I am stuck with my Rails application where I use JQuery to post/get ajax requests and I have this following error (found by using Firebug).

missing ; before statement 

<script type="text/javascript">\n

I am using the JQuery ajax method to post like this:

function day_on_change() { "/times/add"+ "?day_id=" + $('#day_id').val() + "&pool_id=" + $('#pool_id').val() ,null, function(data) {
     }, "script");

The function 'day_on_change' is called when a select dropdown menu is changed. It posts to 'times/add' with ajax and the response data is replaced in the Div with id 'container'.

The response data is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
  DD_roundies.addRule('#normal_header_2', '5px 5px 0 0');
  DD_roundies.addRule('#normal_footer', '0 0 5px 5px');


<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {

  //more js code here
<!-- Some HTML here too -->

Any help would be appreciated.


+2  A: 

Run your code through JSLint

(Note: JSLint will hurt your feelings)

It's a great tool, thanks. But doesn't seem to help much here with ajax requests from Rails app, unfortunately.
Phyo Wai Win

After raging hours of debugging and trying to solve the problem, I finally found out what's causing the problem. Please let me explain

From Rails app, when I call ajax requests like "/times/add"+ "?day_id=" + $('#day_id').val() + "&pool_id=" + $('#pool_id').val() ,null, function(data) {
     }, "script");

, it seems JQuery expects the response to be a "script" (since I uses 'script' option in the method). But in my controller of the Rails app, I was responding to that request as follows:

 respond_to do |format|
      format.html { render :action => 'embed' }
      format.js { render :partial => 'embed_' + @size, :locals => {:timetable_entries => @timetable_entries} }

I was responding the request with a partial which is just 'html.erb' file which has mixed codes including JS, HTML and Ruby. And after testing for some hours, I found out that I still have various kinds of error in the firebug even without the javascript in the response data. It gives me "XML cannot be the whole program" error when I have no js code in there. So after reading this, I realize that I am returning the response data in wrong format.

So I changed my controller to respond like this.

 respond_to do |format|
      format.html { render :action => 'embed' }

which will basically expect 'add.js' file to process the javascripts. So I created the add.js and in there I put this.

$("#container").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'embed_' + @size, :locals => {:timetable_entries => @timetable_entries}) %>");

Then only I see no more errors in the browser. I hope this will save hours of frustrations for those who have same problem like me.


Phyo Wai Win