




Hi friends,

IT HAS BECOME VERY CONFUSING TO KNOW which is the best in ASP.NET UI tools & frameworks & RAD controls ? In terms of speed, performance, client side functions, UI, Site designs etc. Grids and Scheduler and tabs and panels, Charting/Reporting etc...for developing extensively on interactive web based sites and large databases... Should "all in one" set of tools of single product be better than using separate things for each activity?

Please help

ComponentArt: http://www.componentart.com

Infragistics: http://www.infragistics.com

Telerik: http://www.telerik.com

ComponentOne http://www.componentone.com

DevExpress: www.devexpress.com

Crystal Reports, FUsion Charts, Sigma Grid

others if any...

also...some like...

Ext JS: http://extjs.com (bolt on: http://www.codeplex.com/ExtJsExtenderControl, Write ExtJS code in C#: http://code.google.com/p/extsharp/)

jQuery: http://jquery.com

dojo: http://dojotoolkit.org (bolt on: http://dojotoolkit.org/projects/dijit, and http://dojotoolkit.org/projects/dojox)




I think it depends on what you're trying to do. I like jQuery-UI and jQuery plugins for most UI tools simply because they're free and most of the time well documented and supported.

dave thieben

I am preferential to ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET AJAX. It has been rewritten with a new framework based on jQuery. All of the controls have similar patterns and properties as Microsofts included controls. Each control also has the complete client-side object model to match the server model exactly.

C1 offers alot of hardcore application building controls like GridView, Chart, ReportViewer, Gauges, and more. These controls make it really easy to hook up to your database in minutes. At the same time they have great interaction controls like Tabs, Menus, Accordion, Wizards, and so on. They include everything you need to piece together an application.

To top it all off, you can get Studio for iPhone as well which helps you build mobile versions of your asp.net app too which will work on iPhones, iPads, Ipod Touches, Andorids, Palm Pre, and modern Blackberry's.

The bottom line is that C1 is willing to rewrite complete studio's and even invent creative new ones to stay on the cutting edge of web development. I hope you take the time to check it out.
