



Hi All,

I see myself as a beginner to intermediate level java programmer. I've read through 'thinking in java' a year ago, now reading 'Effective java'. However I feel like I am not up to the level of the book because, to be honest, I feel a bit tired after reading a few pages.(Is it normal? Or I am just not that smart?) I have also tried to read through 'J2ee tutorial' but it is just too much stuff. I'd like to know what book, tutorial or any other materials you'd suggest I should be studying?

Thanks, Sarah

+1  A: 

The Sun website tutorials and documentation as found here. Make sure you spend just as much time doing rather than reading. Many programming books are impossible to read unless you already have a fair bit of practical programming experience. J. Nino and F. Hosch. An Introduction to Programming and Object Oriented Design, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008. ( QA76.64 .N57 2008) isn't a bad book either.

+4  A: 

If you get fatigued while reading programming books, you might be a practical problem-solver.

Try finding challenges you think you can solve in Java. Then, write a solution, using reference materials while you do so. Program with code on one side and a manual on the other. When you need help, look first for books or web pages with the information, and, failing that, ask more experienced programmers for help.

If you do this for long enough, eventually you will find you no longer need the books or web pages at all - you will be able to write effective programs on your own.

@Borealid. You are brilliant! I didn't realise that I am a practical problem-solver. Now you mentioned it, I think it explains a lot why I'd rather writing code than reading books. Thanks for pointing that out. And love your suggestion!
@sarahTheButterFly: many people care less about theory and more about results :-). But it's hard to write really practical books for beginners - because understand complex practice requires experience. Once you've been coding for a while, you may enjoy solid programming books like the O'Reilly classics, but earlier on doing "homework" may be better for you. I'm glad I could help.
There are a lot of projects at, and the more advanced ones seriously challenge your programming skills.
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
@Andersen, thanks for providing the link.
+3  A: 

Probably you need to code more so you find your self in problems that books offer help for.

I mean, effective Java has a bunch of advices, but at least I didn't found them interesting until I was in a project where I went like Oh, I read about this in the book Took it in my hands, and it was like the book could read my mind or something.

@OscarRyz, I agree with you. I think I do need to code more.
+1  A: 

Effective Java is a bit on the heavy side. I would suggest you have a look at Head First Java - which has a very fresh attitude towards presenting material in a way that sticks.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
Maybe on the heavy side if you're a beginner in Java, but Effective Java is one of those books that any Java developer should read sooner or later.
The original poster is a self-declared "beginner to intermediate", and does not feel up to the level of the book. For experts it is mandatory reading, but not yet in this case.
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen