Hi everyone. I use CakePHP 1.3.2 with the integrated Translate Behavior.
The translations I save my several models in each table. Example:
class Page extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Page';
var $actsAs = array(
'Translate' => array('title', 'subtitle', 'menu')
var $translateModel = 'PageI18n';
Now... after inserting of some data rows. Cake doesn't retrieve the i18n-data in the index-action anymore. The SQL-dump looks like this:
... WHERE I18n__title.locale = 'de_de' ...
But in the table "page_i18ns" the locale field is filled with 'deu'
Why is Cake mixing the locale attribute??? Where should I set the locale attribute? Somewhere in Model class???
In my AppController I set the language with Configure::write('Config.language', $lang); in the beforeFilter()-function .... 'eng', 'deu', 'chi'
Thanks in advance!