
Online Translation

I am trying to develop an online translation service (sort of a personal challenge) but I have been looking for any guidelines or any way to see how it should be done and so far I have come up with nothing so. In a nutshell, does anybody knows where to find a service, code or explanation of how online translation works and/or guidelines ...

C# How to translate virtual keycode to char?

I am trying to map a virtual keycode to a char. My code uses ProcessCmdKey to listen to WM_KEYDOWN which gives me access to the key pressed. For example, when I press single quote I get a key of 222 which I want to have it mapped to keychar 39 which represents... you guessed it... single quote. My dev context is: - .net Framework 2.0 -...

Saving answers from Ubiquity

How can I save or copy the response to Translate command in Ubiquity? ...

jQuery UI datepicker translation

How can I translate the datepicker from jQuery UI into an other language (german for exaple)? ...

How do I translate this GROUP BY / MIN SQL query into LINQ?

I plan on using this in a subquery but can't figure out the correct syntax to translate the following query into LINQ: select ChapterID, min(MeetingDate) from ChapterMeeting group by ChapterID ...

How can I put an array inside a struct in C#?

C++ code: struct tPacket { WORD word1; WORD word2; BYTE byte1; BYTE byte2; BYTE array123[8]; } static char data[8192] = {0}; ... some code to fill up the array ... tPacket * packet = (tPacket *)data; We can't do that as easy in C#. Please note there is an array in the C++ structure. Alternatively, using this sou...

WPF style to perform translation after scaling

Hi all, I've got a button style that I've been developing in WPF, as stated in this question. Another thing I'd like to do with this style is to have the button shrink just a little bit, to make it appear like it's getting clicked as it's getting clicked. Right now, the transform code looks like: <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value=...

Need help converting apache .htaccess code to lighttpd url_rewrite code

Hi All, I have this custom written CMS built on XAMPP. I'm trying to test the same on lighttpd to benchmark the so-called performance gains... but am stuck at the rewrite rules. I use the default rewrite rules of WordPress in my .htaccess which hands all url parsing over to my script as long as there aren't any files or directories sa...

sudoku obfuscated python -> perl translation

Anybody care to translate this into obfuscated perl? It's written in Python taken from: here def r(a):i=a.find('0');~i or exit(a);[m in[(i-j)%9*(i/9^j/9)*(i/27^j/27|i%9/3^j%9/3)or a[j]for j in range(81)]or r(a[:i]+m+a[i+1:])for m in'%d'%5**18] from sys import*;r(argv[1]) I realize it's just for fun :) ...

JSTL tag not translate in HTML.

Hi, My imports : xmlns:c="" xmlns:fmt="" My JSTL Code : <h:outputLabel value="YESS" > <fmt:formatNumber value="0.25" type="percent"></fmt:formatNumber> HTML generated code: <label>YESS</label> <fmt:formatNumber value="0.25" type="percent"></fmt:formatNumbe...

Drupal, Translating menu PATHS

Is it possible to translate a menu path in Drupal using i18n? In other words, basically creating two different links, namely: -- In other words, not just altering the paths, but supporting external links for translation. And if so... how? ...

JSF tag not found

Hi, I use JSF-facelets.jar 1.1.14 (I downloaded it here) and tomcat 6.0 Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 1.5.0_12-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Implementation-Version: 1.1.14 If I understand well, JSF-facelets.jar = JSF + JSTL + Facelets (???) My problem is when I use "fmt" fonction. This code... <h...

Google Translate API - isReliable not returning anything

Has someone ever used isReliable with the Google Translate API? It always returns "undefined" value. google.language.translate('hello','','es',function(result){ alert(result.isReliable); // prints undefined alert(result.translation); // prints "hola" }); Resources: Google Translate API - Result objects ...

This is asking a lot, I know, but: Help me translate this Glossary plugin for WP

In my search for a good glossary plugin for WordPress, I came across Natan Olsen's WP-SNAP. Which is brilliant. Only I need it to work with Hebrew. I know this is asking a lot, but if you could take a look at the source code (PHP) and tell me where to start altering this plugin to work with Hebrew letters, I will be forever thankful. ...

Is it possible to pass parameters into a translated sentence in a .po translation file?

Hi, I am using .po and .mo files for translating my website. My question is, is it possible to pass parameters into a translated sentence in a .po translation file? For example: en -> Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am an alcoholic I want to translate that sentence using two params, name (Sarah) and profession (an alcoholic). Thank you ...

Java Graphics2D Panning and Zooming / Translating and Scaling

I've got a JPanel I'm drawing onto and I'm trying to get it so that you can use the mouse wheel to "zoom" in and out by modifying the variable scale. Right now what happens is you can zoom in or out but all of the drawing shifts to the right and downwards when you zoom in and then back up and left when zooming out. I want to make it so...

Zend Framework and switching view script paths

I have a problem. Basically, depending on whether a user goes to /es or /br or /cn etc on our website, we have different language template files. So far, we were using a custom templating engine to make this work, but are making a switch over to ZF. I can't seem to figure out how to get ZF to look for a view script in say cn/about-us if ...

how does do their translation?

Hello, I'm a user and recently noticed that they implemented a translate system so that their users could help them translate their website to all other languages. I know about gettext and I was wondering if they use that or do they use arrays like here: . And also, I was won...

Google Translate set default language

Maybe this has an obvious solution that I'm overlooking, but I can't seem to find the correct parameter to put in to make this happen. Using the Google Translate widget on a site, I need to set the default language that the user sees when entering the site, even though the site is english. function googleTranslateElementInit() { new...

Surface development: Translate/Rotate/Scale items without ScatterView

Hi, Is it possible to transalte/rotate/scale items without a ScatterView? I want to manipulate items which can be on top of other elements like a button, list or a custom control which should be static . When I add them to a ScatterView, they all become ScatterViewItems which is not the desired effect. Thx! Maarten ...