
How can I convert from integers to roman numerals using a syntax-directed translation scheme?

I'm reading the dragon book (just starting for now), and I found this exercise which I can absolutely not solve. I understand the concept, but building a context-free grammar for this looks like way out of my league. NOTE: I'm not taking a Compiler class in College and trying to cheat. I'm just reading the dragon book and this exercise ...

Javascript and Translations

I have a PHP application that makes extensive use of Javascript on the client side. I have a simple system on the PHP side for providing translators an easy way to provide new languages. But there are cases where javascript needs to display language elements to the user (maybe an OK or cancel button or "loading" or something). With ...

how does do their translation?

Hello, I'm a user and recently noticed that they implemented a translate system so that their users could help them translate their website to all other languages. I know about gettext and I was wondering if they use that or do they use arrays like here: . And also, I was won...