
Drupal Translate in Admin not working

I have the View/Edit/Translate links in the admin section when editing an article. However, when I click on translate, the link admin/node/65/translate just takes me to the homepage, while admin/node/65/edit lets me edit the article. Is there a Pathauto setting I'm missing to allow me to translate the page? ...

Cakephp problem with translation behavior

I use cakphp version 1.3. The documentation says, that if I want to use the translation behavior for my dynamic content no changes in my view are necessarily. The problem is, that the translated fields are there but empty. The translation only appears in the ['I18n'] array like this Array ( [0] => Array ( [Cat...

how to translate menu items in wordpress 3.0

i've installed the wpml plugin and pages, which are displayed under main navigation, can be translated. but, when on front page i switch languages, the main menu disappears. can anyone tell me the proper way to translate menus in wp3 ...

Translating code comments written in another spoken language

I've just inherited some C code from a German programmer, and all of the comments are, naturally, in German. As I've forgotten most of my high school German, this is a slight problem. Does anyone know of any translation tools that are code-aware; meaning it will only translate language within comments? The project has many files, bein...

Implement Multiple languages in Zend Framework and how to change them?

Hi guys! Im on a project that requires me to translate the project to both swedish and english for the customers that the company got. Ive made two ini file in xproject/application/messages-SV.ini.php <- Swedish xproject/application/messages-EN.ini.php <- English And in my defines.ini.php file Ive included only the messages-SV.ini...

What "in-house application"means ? Problem with translating

I have problem with translating this sentence: "Running in-house systems means that you can leverage your existing security system for purposes of authentication, authorization, and so forth" - from Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform Google translate doesn't help me with this. I don't want to translate it to my language, but I want ...

Hide the top frame on google translate

<frameset rows="36, 95%" border="0"> <frame src="alfa.html" noresize scrolling="no"> <frame src=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;layout=1&amp;eotf=0&amp;u=;sl=en&amp;tl=zh-CN"&gt; </frameset> How to hide the google top frame? JS? Jquery? And how... Thank...

TranslateThis Button

hello..... just now i saw "TranslateThis Button" which is the script for translate the webpage using javascript. is there any chance to display language flags(ex: only four flags) with out dropdown? please help text here is the code ` <!-- Begin TranslateThis Button --> <div id="translate-this"><a href="

CakePHP TranslateBehavior is driving me crazy!

Hi everyone. I use CakePHP 1.3.2 with the integrated Translate Behavior. The translations I save my several models in each table. Example: class Page extends AppModel { var $name = 'Page'; var $actsAs = array( 'Translate' => array('title', 'subtitle', 'menu') ); var $translateModel = 'PageI18n'; ... } Now... a...

Language Translater Java API

Hi Everyone I was just wondering if any of you knew of a free to use api which can translate strings from english to different languages. My program outputs certain text to users from different demographics. I was hoping there would be a translater API. This is not a webapplication ,it is an application that runs via the console. Thank...

Cakephp translate behavior on a hasMany relation

I have the following models : Post hasMany Tag. I use the translate behavior on the Tag model and it works correctly when I do a find all on the Tag model (add and edit also works). I set the language in the beforeFilter of the app_controller. Should cake return my translated field when I do a find all of the Post model because I have ...

Android: Terminate TranslateAnimation earlier and immediately start a FrameAnimation at the position where the TranslateAnimation has been terminated

Hi: Thanks for reading my post. How can I terminate TranslateAnimation before its reach the destination and immediately start a FrameAnimation at the position of which the TranslateAnimation has been terminate. What I am trying to do is to apply a translate animation on textview, and make TextView more across the screen. I can click o...

Groovy Base32 conversions

I am unable to use the fabulous tr() at the moment as I can only use Groovy 1.7.1 and wanted to know if there is an elegant way of going backwards and forwards between string and number encoded with Base32, but with the values A to Z then 2 to 7, rather than 0 to 9 then A to V. This is to remove customer error in typing in a human reada...

Django: how to translate whole page content efficiently

Hello, I am using django i18n and I have succeeded in translating strings and variables in my html tempate with {% trans "some string" %}. But I want to translate a whole page content and not only a few strings, and my question: what is the best way to do this. I have tried with {% blocktrans %} html content {% endblocktrans %}, but t...

qt tr() in static variable

Hi all, I have problem concerning translations in qt. All translations in my porject work fine, but one, which is in a static variable of a class. Corresponding part of code looks as follows The header file is similar to this: typedef struct { int type; QString problematicString; } info; MyClass::QObject_Descend...

How do I use the translate function in a predicate of a XPath argument to XmlDocument.SelectNodes?

I'm using C# and .NET 2.0. Given the XML below, I'd like to get a XMLNodeList of <user> nodes where the <role> is "admin". <users> <user> <name>John Doe</name> <roles> <role>superadmin</role> <role>admin</role> </roles> </user> <user> <name>Jane Doe</name> <rol...

Translate a WPF canvas at high scale factors isn't smooth away from origin

Imagine you have a canvas that you want to scale to a very high value and then allow "panning." A good example is a geographic tool that needs to allow panning with "zoom" levels from the extent of the whole earth down to the extent of a few meters. I've found that if you are scaled in to more than, say 500,000, translating becomes ver...

Yet another .NET XPath predicate question...

Given this XML, I want to retrieve a XmlNodeList of <member> nodes from <group> nodes whose <id> matches 'Tech'. The matching should be case-insensitive. <groups> <group> <id>Tech</id> <members> <member>johndoe</member> <member>janedoe</member> <member>ro...

need to translate specific t-sql case in pl/sql

Can anyone tell me how to translate the following T-SQL statement: SELECT fileld1 = CASE WHEN T.option1 THEN -1 ELSE CASE WHEN T.option2 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END FROM Table1 AS T The point is I need to validate two diff...

[Android] Translate Animation Problem

Hi!! I am new to android, I try to make translate animation.. this is my xml code: (rail.xml) <translate xmlns:android="" android:fromXDelta="100%p" android:toXDelta="0" android:duration="4000" /> and this is my java code: final Animation animShow = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation( this, R....