
About picture shadow

hello guys I'm stuck on a simple problem which is driving me nuts.You know in andoid MapView may have overLay image on the map,moreover image has a shadow when you call DrawAt method. I also want to get that effect,but my image and shadow is detached,how to make them near to each Other. As follow code you can get two image, how to mak...

CakePHP - how to apply translate behavior to existing database?

Hi! I have and existing application in CakePHP with a database. The task is to apply translate behavior to its models. The problem is that i18n.php script just creates _i18n table but doesn't copy existing data to this table. Don't you know any script that could do that? Thanks for any help. ...

Scaled live iPhone Camera view in center, "CGAffineTransformTranslate" not working

Hi, I have a little problem which I could not solve. I really hope someone can help me with that. I wanted to resize the live camera view and place it in the center, using the following code below: picker.cameraViewTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(picker.cameraViewTransform, 0.5, 0.56206); picker.cameraViewTransform = CGAffin...

C# - google translate

Hi guys. I have to translate some text with google's translate service. All code I've founded don't work. I think after changing that service. Maybe someone has working code. I'll be very glad. Thanks ...

Accessing Google Translation Service (C# WinForms)

Hi All I've seen many websites AND programs that access the google translation service. I'm trying to create a little app where there are basically 2 TextBox controls and a Button, where you can select a language to translate from and to... But how do I access the API?? I've not found anything so far. Or if anybody knows of any other tr...

How to have a translation service in android app

How can a translation service be called in an Android app? Can we have an app that can translate multiple languages into another? ...

Translation in JavaScript like gettext in PHP?

I am using gettext in my PHP code, but i have a big problem. All my Javascript files are not affected by the translation, can somebody tell me an easy way to get the translations in the chosen language into JavaScript as well. ...

Cakephp, i18n, Retrieve translation records for associated models

Quoting from the cakephp Book (ver 1.3): Note that only fields of the model you are directly doing find on will be translated. Models attached via associations won't be translated because triggering callbacks on associated models is currently not supported. Has anyone come up with a solution for this??? If not could you give...

How to use google translate to translate website automatically using geoip

I have been looking around the internet for a script which would use google translate api to translate a website automatically through a geoip script without the need of clicking translate button. Since google does provide a small div snippet which you can add to your website and then through a drop down menu you can choose the language ...

Translate SQL query to LINQ

THIS USER HAS ALREADY ASKED THE EXACT DUPLICATE A FEW MINUTES AGO PhotoAlbums table AlbumID Title Date Photos table: PhotoID Title Date AlbumID SELECT AlbumID, Title, Date, (SELECT TOP (1) PhotoID FROM P...

Translate a webpage in PHP

I'm looking to translate a webpage in PHP 5 so I can save the translation and make it easily accessible via rather than users having to go through google translate. I've found various easy ways to translate text via CURL, however what i'd really like to be able to do is translate an entire webp...

how we could create translate validate error messages on zend framework?

hello how we could create translate validate error messages on zend framework? someone could give a example ? thanks ...

Translating C pointer code example to Delphi pointer syntax.

I am working with a binary file structure. The code example for reading the data is in C, and I need to read it in Delphi. I hasten to add I have no C programming experience. Given the following typedef struct { uchar ID, DataSource; ushort ChecksumOffset; uchar Spare, NDataTypes; ushort Offset [256]; } HeaderType; ... typedef stru...

Free or open source dictionaries

I'm working on a multi-lingual search engine. I need to map keywords in English to corresponding words in following languages: Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Crotian Czech Danish Dutch Finish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Lithuanian Litvian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish ...

Extract all text from a HTML page without losing context

For a translation program I am trying to get a 95% accurate text from a HTML file in order to translate the sentences and links. For example: <div><a href="stack">Overflow</a> <span>Texts <b>go</b> here</span></div> Should give me 2 results to translate: Overflow Texts <b>go</b> here Any suggestions or commercial packages avail...

Anyone able to translate sIFR into AS3 (for hyphenation and with the help of a converter)?

One thing asked for a lot with sIFR is hyphenation. Now I almost solved it with integrating The only problem is that is written in AcionScript 3, while sIFR is in ActionScript 2. I found an AS2 to AS3 converter

where to find Ubercart translation files

I am trying to update language specific text files ("po files") for Ubercart, but it is unclear who/where these files are maintained. There are several places sited but I am not sure which is maintained? Also a description of how to do t...

How to combine Translate and Soft Deletable Behavior in CakePHP 1.2.7?

Hi guys, i'm trying to combine Translate Behavior and Mariano Iglesias' Soft Deletable Behavior Revision 49. But always if a want to soft delete a record which hasMany other records, which are translated (located in the i18n-table partly), the related hasMany records aren't soft deleted. Example: Post hasMany Comments (dependent = tr...

Translating EventAggregators usage of SynchronizationContext to VB.Net

Working with a fairly large VB.Net back office winforms application. 1 million+ LOC. Big ball of mud, 90% of all code is in Forms & other UI controls. Slowly introducing better architecture as time & recources allows, We've been using ideas from the EventAggrgator by Jeremy Miller.

Google translate service for GNU gettext PO files that supports ngettext style plurals

I'm looking for a front-end to google translate that supports translating GNU gettext PO files with NGETEXT style plurals, eg. msgid_plural, msgid[0] ... msgid[n]. I've found several free translation services for PO files [1], but none of these services support ngettext style plural strings. Our PO files have a fair number of plurals th...