



Is there any better PHP CRUD code generator? I want to get Data Access Object, Business Object and Value Object. It would be difficult to match my needs, but I am happy at least I can get any relevant one. Thanks in advance.


I am working on an MVC based application. I am using my own MVC framework. I need this code generator to generate codes for MODEL part. for example Entity Class and Value Objects Currently my codes are like below.

class CustomersDAO
   public function add() {$CustomersVO}
   public function update($CustomersVO) {}
   public function delete() {}
   public function get() {}
class CustomersVO
   public $id;
   public $name;
   public $tp;
   public $address;
class CustomerBO
   private $id;
   private $name;
   private $tp;
   private $address;

   public function getID() {};
   public function setID($val) {};
   // other getters and setters gos here..

   // other business logics
+4  A: (scaffholding)

all can generate the basic business logic via command line.

Kieran Allen
I checked It is generating a full application with all functionality. I dont want that. I want some think like Entity classes and Value Objects. My application is based on MVC. I am using my own MVC framework. I know a code generator to make my work fast.
It looks like you're in need of a ORM rather than a framework?
Kieran Allen
Yes I do not need a framework. I need the Model for integrating in to my existing View and Controller.