
Good pattern or framework for adding auditing to an existing app?

I have an existing J2EE enterprise application to which I need to add auditing, i.e. be able to record CRUD operations on several important domain types (Employee, AdministratorRights, etc.). The application has a standard n-tier architecture: Web interface Business operations encapsulated within a mixture of stateless session beans a...

Doing CRUD in Turbogears

Are there any good packages or methods for doing extensive CRUD (create-retrieve-update-delete) interfaces in the Turbogears framework. The FastDataGrid widget is too much of a black box to be useful and CRUDTemplate looks like more trouble than rolling my own. Ideas? Suggestions? ...

Common CRUD functions in PHP

Hi, Is there a simple way to write a common function for each of the CRUD (create, retreive, update, delete) operations in php WITHOUT using any framework. For example I wish to have a single create function that takes the table name and field names as parameters and inserts data into a mySQL database. Another requirement is that the f...

Using SOAP to expose CRUD operations

Is exposing CRUD operations through SOAP web services a bad idea? My instinct tells me that it is not least of which because the overhead of doing database calls overhead could be huge. I'm struggling to find documentation for/against this (anti)pattern so I was wondering if anyone could point me to some documentation or has an opinion o...

Generate a default CRUD UI when using Castle ActiveRecord (.net)

Is there any simple way to generate a default crud (given an entity) with activerecord (castle implementation) or something similar for NET? There is something like this for RoR ( it think its called activescaffold) Thanks ...

What is scaffolding? Is it a term for a particular platform?

Scaffolding, what is it? Is it a Rails-only thing? ...

My ideal CMS. Does it exist, or isn't it a "CMS" anymore?

As a webdeveloper I have built several small and large websites with different teams, but always had to deliver a CMS to maintain content. In my experience with different CMSes, I have found them to pretty much always leave a footprint on the website, like offering page templates that are required to build the website with. So, I though...

Accessing data with stored procedures

One of the "best practice" is accessing data via stored procedures. I understand why is this scenario good. My motivation is split database and application logic ( the tables can me changed, if the behaviour of stored procedures are same ), defence for SQL injection ( users can not execute "select * from some_tables", they can only call ...

Shortcuts for creating/modifying web forms in PHP?

I'm new to PHP and before I waste a lot of time doing things the hard way, I wanted to find out if there are shortcuts/techniques to creating PHP web forms apps. All this app will do is display web forms with data from 1 or more tables. In addition to displaying data, the user must be able to update the form and add new data to the for...

Functional-style Updates

This may be an oxymoron, but how would one update a data entity in the functional programming style? From all I've read, functional-style programming uses transformations to return an output on immutable entities. The only thing I can think of would be to completely replace the original entity, but that seems almost the same as a classic...

Should there be a Transaction for Read Queries?

I've been reading that some devs/dbas recommend using transactions in all database calls, even read-only calls. While I understand inserting/updating within a transaction what is the benefit of reading within a transaction? ...

Help me find this Use Case story

I remember reading a how-to book several years ago, about Use Cases. (This was probably before user stories supplanted this part of the terminology.) The task at hand was something like adding new customers. There was roughly a 1-page offset section that described a couple developers who said something like "We don't need no stinking U...

How would you symbolise 'change' ?

Because of a space-issue I have to make 'single-character-links' for crud actions: In characters I would symbolise: 'delete' with character x 'add' with + … How would you symbolise 'change' ? ...

How to use nhibernate with ASP.NET 3.5 (not MVC)

What is the best way to interop with NHibernate 2.0 and ASP.NET 3.5? How can I easily develop a CRUD application? Is the ObjectDataSource the way to go? Thank you. ...

Generate CRUD UI (Swing)

I am looking for a tool/framework to (automatically) generate a Swing user interface to perform CRUD operations on an underlying database. I would also like to configure the database fields that should be exposed. Something like django (via modelforms) or ruby on rails features, but in a Java desktop environment. ...

CRUD vs AGUD vs AFUD...what's your naming convention of preference

Do you write createSomething() or addSomething()? Do you write readSomething(), getSomething() or fetchSomething()? This is totally a petty gripe. In the meeting room we refer to it as CRUD, but in actual code, it's becoming AGUD. What's your naming convention of preference? Does it matter? thnx. ...

Simple / reusable CRUD in PHP (NO famework or big classes)

I'm working on a PHP CMS like project and I'm trying to find out what's the most convenient way of dealing with the CRUD functionality in PHP. The CMS is programmed completely in procedural PHP (no OOP - I know that many of you will not agree with this...) and was designed keeping everything as simple and light as possible, as well as c...

Is there a utility to create VB.NET classes from an XSD file?

Is there a utility out there that will create VB.NET classes from a Dataset.xsd file? And I don't mean like the XSD.exe utility does - all that does is convert the XML of an XSD file into classes in a .vb - it doesn't append any "extended" functionality. I'm basically looking for something that will generate the beginnings of a busin... mvc + activerecord saving object graph

I'm using mvc and I'm trying to create a new Employee, in my form I use the Html.DropDown(...) to display a list of Departments to select from. Ideally I would like MVC to just figure out which Department was selected (Id property is the value in dropdown), fetch it and set it in the incoming Employee object. instead I get a nu...

Syncing a Core Data Model With A Web Service

This problem has been kicking my butt for a few days now. I have a web service that serves XML that looks like this: <levels> <level>Level 1</level> <level>Level 2</level> <level>Consulting</level> <level>Office Support</level> <level>Learning</level> </levels> This data needs to go into an entity in my Core Data ...