The getItem
method in the WebStorage specification, explicitly returns null
is the item does not exist:
... If the given key does not exist in the list associated with the object then this method must return null. ...
So, you can:
if (localStorage.getItem("infiniteScrollEnabled") === null) {
Note: While the WebStorage specification by definition allows you to store any arbitrary JavaScript object as the value of an storage item, this is not implemented yet on any browser (Bug reports: Firefox, Chorium), the storage item values are type-converted to string.
This can give you problems, like in your example, if you store a Boolean value, it will be converted to string, for example:
localStorage.setItem('test', true);
localStorage.getItem('test') == true; // false!!!
That happens because we are comparing a String with a Boolean value:
"true" == true; // false
"false" == false; // false
Also, if you try to store an object, it will be also converted to String.
See this related question: