Let's say I have methodA
def methodA
note = Note.find(params[:id])
note.link = params[:link]
note.linktype = params[:linktype]
When I call this method from a view like this, it works fine
<%= link_to image_tag(w.link, :border =>0), methodA_path(:linktype => w.linktype, :link => w.link, :id => @note.id) %>
But, if I call the method from another method in the same controller like this:
def methodB
methodA(:id => params[:id], :link => link, :linktype => "image")
I get this error:
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
The parameters that methodA is getting are still the same parameters that methodB got, not the ones that I'm sending from methodB. How do I get around this problem? Thank for reading.