



Hi, I have a jQuery question:

I have an "ADD" button that adds text to the database via AJAX call ($.post()...). The problem is, items are getting repeatedly added. For example:

After page loads: User clicks "ADD" button:

  • the first time, it adds an item.
  • a seconds time, it adds an item and then adds it again (total 2 items)
  • a thrid time, it adds an item and then adds it again and than again (total 3 items)
  • etc...

This is a problem as the data is duplicating.

I've narrowed down the problem:

  // set event handler for Add button

 // set event handler for Add button
 function bindAddButtonEventListener()
  // event handler for the add button


   // event handler for Submit button on admin Popup box. Submits data to database
   $("#editPopUp #submitChanges").click(function(event)

 // this method will submit a new record to the server, using AJAX post
 function addNewRecord()
  var obj = buildJSONobject();

  $.post("admin/addRecordToDatabase", obj, function(data)



 // this unbinds the events for the popup box controls
 function disablePopUpBoxControls()
  // unbind event handler for button
  $("#editPopUp #submitChanges").unbind("click", bindEditButtonEventListener);
  //$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").unbind("click", bindAddButtonEventListener);

  // unbind event handler for button
  $("#editPopUp #cancelEdit").unbind("click", enablePopUpBoxControls);

For some reason, inside bindAddButtonEventListener(), when this code runs:

   $("#editPopUp #submitChanges").click(function(event)

addNewRecord() is called again the second time and a third time, the third time and then again. I can't figure out how to stop it from doing it. I thought that unbinding would help, but it doesn't seem to. Any help would be much appreciated.

+2  A: 

I think you are using unbind incorrectly. Try removing the second parameter "bindEditButtonEventListender".

So use instead:

$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").unbind("click");
This would unbind *all* `click` event handlers, so be careful, if there are any *other* `click` handlers (I assume there are given the names) it will remove/break these.
Nick Craver
+2  A: 

Your unbinding this event 'bindEditButtonEventListener' but you never actually bind it as you bind an anonymous method to the #submitChanges click event.

+3  A: 

Your main problem is here:

// unbind event handler for button
$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").unbind("click", bindEditButtonEventListener);

This doesn't actually unbind anything, because it wasn't ever bound to that function, for example:

$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").click(function(event)

This binds an anonymous function (key point being you can't reference it like you want later), instead since you're not using event, bind it directly, like this:

$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").click(addNewRecord);

Then when you call .unbind() you need to again reference that function:

$("#editPopUp #submitChanges").unbind("click", addNewRecord);

That's the fix, as for the "why?"...well since it wasn't being unbound, it was just racking up a new event handler each time. Every time you clicked #addRecord, it was adding another save handler on the #editPopUp and #submitChanges element click events, properly unbinding as I have above should prevent this.

Nick Craver
oh man... this is so right! I was binding them incorrectly too, i was doing; instead of; and that is what was killing me. I will be reading more about this to help me out. Thanks so much for your help.