



How do you instruct users to report a bug in Android? Any advice or tips?

I'd like to get send detailed instructions to my users to get the most of their bug report. I know there are various apps that send bug reports from the device and I was wondering how other Android developers deal with this.


This isn't Android specific, but you could have a bug reporting screen in your application that sends the information your customers type, along with any system information you wish to capture, to your web server. Alternatively, the application could email you with the information.

Gilbert Le Blanc
This is what I was thinking of doing. I was wondering if there's an existing app that handles this already and that can be launched using an intent from mine.
If there isn't, make a generalized app. :-)
Gilbert Le Blanc
+2  A: 

Possible duplicate question ...

The answer to your question lies in this SO question: How Do I Obtain Crash Data From My Android Application

Donn Felker
+1. Very interesting question. Will read carefully later and see if it's what I need.

Taking Gilbert's advice into account, I decided to create my own app. I hereby present you Bug Reporter:

It allows users to send you a report with device information and optional logcat. It also supports intent extras to customize its behavior if case you want to launch it from your app. Will document this later.
