



How can I determine all the websites which are using a particular webhosting service? There are some services which CLAIM to give you this information, but charge a lot... was particularly nice, but not complete.

Help, folks?

+1  A: 

That's pretty much the same task as finding all people in a phone book whose phone number starts with 123. Except you don't get the whole phone book, but only have an operator whom you can ask for one number at a time.

So, in short: To get a reliable answer, get the hosting service to tell you. Legal options are probably limited to paying them enough to make the work and potential customer disappointment worth it.

But, really, why would anyone need such information? Except for utterly childish stuff like defacing as many sites as possible when finding a security hole at a hosting service, of course.

Christopher Creutzig


Its simple to do that, you can google up or any who is provider.

The one i use is its preety good and has everything, so all you do is just add the name of the site, and it will do a lookup. You will be able to see where the person hosts it.

But if the hosting company has a firewall and has disabled to show the name you will not be able to see it.

Thanks & Regards

Rajan Solanki