I have searched already but unable to find an answer that works. I simply want to set the text of a label that is in a content page. Obviously because the control is in a content page it has the modified client id. So I know simply ".labelName" will not work alone because the client id is for example "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_labelName".
So what is the syntax to use when the control is in a content page?
Here's what I have that is not working:
function intervalTypeChanged(sender, eventArgs) {
var item = eventArgs.get_item();
var itemText = item.get_text();
if (itemText == "Seconds" || itemText == "Minutes" || itemText == "Hours") {
$("#<%=lblSimpleDurationValueAfter.ClientID %>").text = itemText;
else {
The table row trSimpleScheduleSettings appears but there is no text in the label.