



I'm new to WPF and the MVVM pattern so I have some problems with my bindings.

In a details view of a customer, I want to list some statuses in a combobox.

In my ViewModel the customer is at the root level, and so is the list of statuses.

When using a static resource, I can use:

ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type StackPanel}}, Path=DataContext.PartGruppAll}"

on my ComboBox, but when I set the DataContext from code behind, it does not work, what am I doing wrong, in my opinion it should make no difference.

Best regards, Peter Larsson


Its not because you might have a spelling mistake


might should be

No, sorry, there is a part of Swedish in that name, the correct name actually is PartGruppAll. :)
Peter Larsson
Ok, no worries... was just a hunch

Oh one more thing...

If the StackPanel is up the same visual tree as the combo box then you dont need to find it in the binding

ItemsSource="{Binding PartGruppAll}" 

Should work as DataCoxtext's are searched up the visual tree.

No, that doesn't work either.
Peter Larsson

I'll try to give you some more details, the viewmodel is quite large so I'll try to shorten it.

I instantiate the viewmodel in my code behind for App.xaml

        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

        PartWindow pw = new PartWindow();

        var PartViewModel = new ViewModel.PartWindowViewModel();
        pw.DataContext = PartViewModel;


Then in my page I bind the data to a stackpanel:

<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Path=PartViewModel}">

I then display the Customer in a grid by binding to the Customer-property SelectedPart.

   <Grid DataContext="{Binding SelectedPart}" Margin="5" Grid.Column="0">

My viewModel Looks like this:


  • SelectedPart

Name and other properties

  • StatusList

Name and other properties

Nothing really complicated I think... The grid is tied to the selected customer, that's the problem.

Peter Larsson

In your binding, try setting AncestorType to your view class. Something like

ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type vw:MyView}}, Path=DataContext.PartGruppAll}"

where vw is your namespace where you keep you view and MyView is the name of your view class itself.

In my application I have declared vw like this


(You probably didn't need that bit but I included just in case =)
