I'm currently trying to set up integration/acceptance testing for a new rails 3 application with cucumber and capybara. (I initially planed to use webrat, but it seems that it does not support rails 3, so I ended up with capybara)
I'm trying to get a basic login test working:
Feature: Login user
In order to access the non-public parts of the site,
as a user,
I want to login to the site
Scenario: login with valid credentials
Given I am on the login page
When I fill in "Email" with "[email protected]"
And I fill in "Password" with "pass"
And I press "Login"
Then I should be on the users home page
And I should see "Login successful"
The problem now is, that the login form sends me to /user_session
which then redirects me to the users home /home
. Cucumber does not follow the redirect which causes the Then I should be on the users home page
line to fail.
How can I tell cucumber/capybara to follow the redirect so that I am on the right page after I hit a button of follow a link?
There seems to be a follow_redirect!
method in the rack_test driver which I am using, but it is private and I have no clue as how to call that functionality.
thanks in advance,