



Can the IIS version in Windows Server 2008 R2 host all the following:

SharePoint 2010; ASP.Net 4.0; Classic ASP applications; VB6 compiled .dll web applications.

If so, can SharePoint 2010 be the Default Web application when accessing the server?

Thanks, Aaron

+1  A: 

Sharepoint 2010 requires the .Net 3.5 framework.

I guess it's because a new SP version was being developed at the same time as the new .Net version, SP 2010 couldn't use .Net 4.0 yet.

Edit: here's the explanation in the words of the SharePoint Product Manager:

Unfortunately the release timeframes didn't work out to get SharePoint 2010 built on .NET Framework 4.0.

+1  A: 

Hi Aaron

I'm not sure about VB6 compiled .dll web application, but the rest is no problem.

Classic ASP isn't installed by default, but it's just a feature to enable.

As SharePoint is running .Net 3.5 it needs to be in a seperate AppPool from your .Net 4.0 sites.

Which site is the default is just a matter of selecting which Web Site is serving port 80 without a host header.

Per Jakobsen