I'm new to squeak/squeak source and i am writing a small game as a learning exercise. I have a few graphics that i am using for some of my sprites (mostly pngs) but i cannot figure out how to add them to my squeak source repository.
Is there a way to do add these files to my project so my team doesn't have to keep emailing images to each other.
=== Final solution ===
Based on Lukas' advice i ended up creating a class that only hold methods which produce images. unfortunately actually writing these methods was kind of a pain (esp for large images).
So i created a helper method on the class that allows you to add an image message dynamically.
addIcon: selector fromFile: fn
| image stream |
image := ColorForm fromFileNamed: fn.
stream := WriteStream with: String new.
stream nextPutAll: ((selector asString) , (String cr), '^').
image storeOn: stream.
(IconsHolder class) compile: (stream contents) classified: 'auto-generated'.
So then if i wanted to update or add an image i could just do:
IconsHolder addImage: #image... fromFile:'image.jpg'
And it would generate a new message in IconsHolder that would generate the image from code.