
How can I run VisualWorks under OpenBSD?

Has anyone gotten VisualWorks running under OpenBSD? It's not an officially supported platform, but one of the Cincom guys was telling me that it should be able to run under a linux compatibility mode. How did you set it up? I already have Squeak running without a problem, so I'm not looking for an alternative. I specifically need to ru...

Are there any large-scale commercial projects that use Squeak Smalltalk?

I've been learning Squeak Smalltalk & have noticed that it's got a really faithful community and is used in some large academic and open-source projects, but I haven't found any examples of it being used commercially in any significant way. I'm curious about how this environment is doing in the world commercially. Maybe taking over older...

How do you use Squeak?

I downloaded Squeak, the Image file, and the Sources file, but I can't figure out how to write Smalltalk code. Is there something obvious I'm missing? Is Squeak even the right IDE for serious Smalltalk development? ...

Working with Seaside continuations

How do I get a BlockClosure in Squeak (I want to use BlockClosure>>callCC)? When I write [#foo] that is a BlockContext, what's the deal? Update: I have worked out that BlockClosure is a thing mainly of new compiler. Instead how do I work with seaside Continuations? I'm having problems, and any examples would be appreciated. Further u...

Is There a "Dive Into Smalltalk" Book

I want to learn Smalltalk (particularly Squeak), but all the websites and books I've come across either assume I'm new to programming or spend forever getting acquainted with all the minutiae of the system. When I picked up Python, Dive Into Python was my Bible for months. It had a great, straightforward way of teaching me how to apply ...

Does Squeak support namespaces?

So, I'm looking at using Smalltalk/Squeak for a couple of hobby/academic interest projects, and while trying to read up on the language I came across this nice article. However, this paragraph had me a bit dumbfounded: "Unfortunately, there is a complete lack of standardization for providing or dealing with modules/packages in Smallt...

How can I easily change to native fonts in Smalltalk Squeak/Pharo

With every new Squeak image, I immediately change the fonts to some native version. It is a lot of mouseclicks and I want to script the proces. ...

Writing a GUI in squeak

How can I write a GIU in Squeak? I'm a Smalltalk newbie and I'm using Cincom's VisualWorks at the moment but I'd like to give Squeak a try. I see that Squeak has Morphic for graphics but for the life of me I can't seem to find a package to write an MVC based GUI. ...

Why isn't Smalltalk popular?

I’ve been looking at Smalltalk (VisualWorks) for the past couple of months - and the more I learn the more I’m impressed. However, I think I must be missing something as Smalltalk doesn’t seem to be popular these days - and perhaps it never was. What do the people who have dropped Smalltalk in favor of Java, C++, Ruby, etc. know that...

Best Smalltalk/Squeak Books

What is a single book you would recommend to someone interested in Smalltalk? I've started looking into Smalltalk some weeks ago. So far I've gone through the Cincom tutorials (1 and 2) and I've read Squeak by Example, which I found quite good for getting the hang of the Smalltalk model, despite the poor organisation and several mistake...

Why does Squeak use Colors to identify Mouse Buttons?

This is really annoying when you try to follow the documentation Squeak by Example. Instead of calling the mouse buttons left, right, and middle, like in any other documentation, they give them colors. It's even suggested to label the mouse to help you learning. It's 2009 and there are 3 dominant systems left: Windows, MacOS X, Linux ...

Current Smalltalk development activity

I'm now a couple of months into my Smalltalk learning voyage. I was aware, from the beginning that Smalltalk has several "dialects" (perhaps "dialect" isn't the best word) but by this I mean VisualWorks, Squeak and Dolphin to mention just three. So far I have limited my foray to Visualworks and Squeak. But I've now discovered that Sq...

Inter-Image communication in Smalltalk. Possible?

I have a graph-traversal problem that is beautifully and elegantly modeled in smalltalk, but it's too big (in terms of computation and storage) for one smalltalk image instance. So, I want to partition the problem across multiple instances. My question is, is there any good way to send messages between smalltalk instances. Kind of like...

Performance overhead of perform: in Smalltalk (specifically Squeak)

How much slower can I reasonably expect perform: to be than a literal message send, on average? Should I avoid sending perform: in a loop, similar to the admonishment given to Perl/Python programmers to avoid calling eval("...") (Compiler evaluate: in Smalltalk) in a loop? I'm concerned mainly with Squeak, but interested in other Smallt...

When to use Seaside components, and when to use simple render objects?

I have been developing a web application in Seaside+Squeak recently, and have found it to be a wonderful experience. Seaside really is head and shoulders above every other framework out there, and I feel as though I am working at a higher level of abstraction (above the HTTP request/response cycle and HTML templating that other framework...

SqueakMap won't work in a fresh 3.10 dev image

Hello, I just downloaded a fresh Squeak-dev image from Damien Cassou, clicked on SqueakMap, and got the error that in SqueakMap>>categories, the objects instance variable is nil, but shouldn't be. I can't be the only one with that error, am I? What should I do? ...

How Compatible is GNU Smalltalk with Squeak

Hey all, I'm working on an app in squeak that requires no graphics at all, its all just data manipulation. The problem is that I work in a fairly conservative environment and I dont think I'll be able to sell a squeak app to my managers (I feel like the bright colors, round interface and general "what-the-heck-is-that" feel of squeak wi...

new line in squeak

i want to do something like this: Transcript show: '\n'. how? ...

How do I change a method's name dynamically in squeak?

I have a class and I want to change the name of a specific method in run time. I guess there's a method in the 'Behavior' class that does it. But I just can't find it. any help? [in squeak] ...

Message forwarding in Smalltalk

So I'm writing an application where one object has a bunch of delegate objects that it forwards messages to. The idea is that I can say someObject sendMessage:aMessage and aMessage will be sent to all of someObject's delegates (for any value of aMessage). The only way I've been able to do this is something like: sendMessage:aMessage ...