
How can I run VisualWorks under OpenBSD?

Has anyone gotten VisualWorks running under OpenBSD? It's not an officially supported platform, but one of the Cincom guys was telling me that it should be able to run under a linux compatibility mode. How did you set it up? I already have Squeak running without a problem, so I'm not looking for an alternative. I specifically need to ru...

Writing a GUI in squeak

How can I write a GIU in Squeak? I'm a Smalltalk newbie and I'm using Cincom's VisualWorks at the moment but I'd like to give Squeak a try. I see that Squeak has Morphic for graphics but for the life of me I can't seem to find a package to write an MVC based GUI. ...

How to get rid of unmanaged code in VW 3.1d and ENVY

I have an old VW3/ENVY image with a parcel loaded as unmanaged code (exactly the situation Mastering ENVY/DEVELOPER warns against). Unfortunately, this problem happened a long time ago and it's too late to just "go back" to an image without the parcel loaded. Apparently, there is a way to solve this problem (we have one development imag...

Smalltalk - Converting text object to string

Hi I have text editor widget in smalltalk (visual works) that returns a text object, however I want the text returned to be handled as a string object. How do you parse a text object as a string? ...

Smalltalk, displaying OrderedCollection to List Widget

Hi I have an ordered collection of strings which I'm trying to display on a list widget. I do the following: self displayWidget list: coll. where displayWidget is a List Widget and coll is the OrderedCollection containing the strings. It will display it, but it displays it in a single line. Instead of getting line one line two line ...

Smalltalk - Compare two strings for equality

I am trying to compare two strings in Smalltalk, but I seem to be doing something wrong. I keep getting this error: Unhandled Exception: Non-boolean receiver. Proceed for truth. stringOne := 'hello'. stringTwo := 'hello'. myNumber := 10. [stringOne = stringTwo ] ifTrue:[ myNumber := 20]. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? ...

Distributed source control for VisualWorks Smalltalk

One of the annoying things about Smalltalk is that it (usually) requires its own VCS, due to the way that it manages its source code. Squeak and Gemstone (at least in its GLASS version) have a DVCS called Monticello that works passably well. As near as I can tell, VisualWorks' main VCS, StORE, only works in old-fashioned centralized mo...

What is the "best practice" portable way of Symbol using in Smalltalk?

What are the "best practice" rules for using symbols in Smalltalk in a portable way? I use squeak and pharo mainly and I know they both allow 'foo' = #foo and #foo = 'foo' to be true while other Smalltalks don't. I understand Symbols are for identification and shouldn't be used in place of strings. But is it at least safe to assume that ...

How to manage 2d array in Smalltalk ?

I have a list of point and have to do erosion/dilation operations. I need a kind of 2d-array but can't find how to do in VisualWorks (I know there is a Array2d class in Squeak, but I must use VW). ...

How to redraw a list in smalltalk

I have a List in my smalltalk application that gets updated by user events. The list updates correctly, but it only redraws, repaints, or refreshes whenever the window is forced to redraw. So it'll appear as it is supposed to, but only when I hide and then reshow the window, or drag it off screen and then bring it back on. How do I ma...

How do I load a picture (image) into smalltalk.

How do you load a picture into smalltalk? I have found several examples of how to display an image once it is a class resource, but can't find a way to import the picture into my smalltalk environment. (I use the word picture to avoid confusion with the smalltalk image) ...

How to actively change a label's string in visualworks smalltalk.

I am trying to dynamically change the value of a label in an ApplicationModel dynamically during the running of my program. I have tried: (self builder labelAt: #Label4) labelString: 'Dynamic text here'. But get a labelString not understood error. When I run: (self builder labelAt:#Label4) I get "UndefinedObject". Which obviously s...