



Is there a list anywhere of all ruby operators that can be overloaded? (Not the ones that can't)

+3  A: 

Here's a table of the Ruby operators.

The ones that are methods and overloadable are:

[ ] [ ]=    Element reference, element set
**  Exponentiation
! ~ + -     Not, complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two are +@ and -@)
* / %   Multiply, divide, and modulo
+ -     Plus and minus
>> <<   Right and left shift
&   Bitwise `and'
^ |     Bitwise exclusive `or' and regular `or'
<= < > >=   Comparison operators
<=> == === != =~ !~     Equality and pattern match operators (!= and !~ may not be defined as methods)

The table was from the 2001 Pickaxe book, but that's the same table as in the Ruby 1.9 Pickaxe book -- no reason to believe that this set of infix operators will ever change.

Mark Rushakoff