



any way would be fine. Perl, python, ruby...

+3  A: 

You can match this regex



The above regex will also include the brackets as a part of matched string. To avoid getting the brackets as a part of match (i.e. only match string inside the starting and ending bracket, excluding brackets) you may use below regex.

this works, thanks!
but please remember the match will include the brackets as well.
It would only match "(this)" not "(this) is (sparta)" because the ? means that it matches as little as possible
@NullUserException no this wont. The .*? will make it lazy instead of greedy and first right bracket will be matched.
@NullUserException: no, + and * are both greedy by default and non-greedy with ? after them.
The op want to capture the text, your regex don't
>>> import re
>>> regex = re.compille("\(([^)]*)\)")
>>> test = "This is my (big <strong>Test</strong>)"
>>> result = regex.match(test)
>>> print result.groups()
big <strong>Test</strong>

This is a working example for Python, though the regex should be similar for any language.


Do you only want to match outer braces?

For example:

In Python:

s = "(here is some text for you (and me))"

import re
print ''.join(re.split(r"^\(|\)$", s))
# Returns "here is some text for you (and me)"


s = "(here is some text for you (and me))"

import re
print [text for text in re.split(r"[()]", s) if text]
# Returns "['here is some text for you ', 'and me']"
Nick Presta
+1  A: 

In perl, you can use this one,

Have a look

my $test = "Hello (Stack Overflow)";
   $test =~ /\(([^)]+)\)/;
my $matched_string = $1; 
print "$matched_string\n";  


Stack Overflow
Nikhil Jain
You don't need to escape ( as it is part of class characters, you can simply do /\(([^)]+)\)/
@M42: Yes that's true, it's a part of class characters.Thanks
Nikhil Jain
Thanks a lot. I love you all.

On capturing groups

A capturing group, usually denoted with surrounding round brackets, can capture what a pattern matches. These matches can then be queried after a successful match of the overall pattern.

Here's a simple pattern that contains 2 capturing groups:

(\d+) (cats|dogs)
\___/ \_________/
  1        2

Given i have 16 cats, 20 dogs, and 13 turtles, there are 2 matches (as seen on

  • 16 cats is a match: group 1 captures 16, group 2 captures cats
  • 20 dogs is a match: group 1 captures 20, group 2 captures dogs

You can nest capturing groups, and there are rules specifying how they're numbered. Some flavors also allow you to explicitly name them.


On repeated captures

Now consider this slight modification on the pattern:

(\d)+ (cats|dogs)
\__/  \_________/
 1         2

Now group 1 matches \d, i.e. a single digit. In most flavor, a group that matches repeatedly (thanks to the + in this case) only gets to keep the last match. Thus, in most flavors, only the last digit that was matched is captured by group 1 (as seen on

  • 16 cats is a match: group 1 captures 6, group 2 captures cats
  • 20 dogs is a match: group 1 captures 0, group 2 captures dogs


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