



Googling this yields lots of entries on HOW TO step through Framework code. I'm trying to find out how NOT TO step into.

First check: Yes, "Enable Just My Code" is checked in the Tools->Options->Debugging. That is supposed to keep VS2010 from looking for source code when you are stepping through a framework function (or anything else that you don't have the source to, as I understand it.)

It's not. I'm trying to step through my code, using F11, and, if I get careless and don't switch to F10 (to step over a function call) when I get to a function that is in a library, then it throws up a dialog asking where the source for that call is, and when I cancel out of it (since I don't have the source), it aborts my Debug, and I have to start all over.

How can I avoid this behavior. As I understand the documentation, this is NOT the way it is supposed to work. And where do we go for support when it's not working?